Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Man of Value

If i have a big challenge today, that just means I have a big destiny

When they hate,, that's when u know ur doing gr8!
thanks Rev RUn WISDOM

ajar Bijak,kalo tatumbu tiang listrik la org cue "kanapa la blajar bijak mar bisa tatumbu" jawabnya "beta su bijak tetapi
tiang listrik seng bijak" krn menghalangi beta yang bijak
June 4, 2010 at 9:06pm ·

"It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference." - Tom Brokaw

May 6, 2010 at 10:23am

i got it broer e,, :)

May 7, 2010 at 5:17am

Expression simply being sharing your true feelings with the world and doing things for you. Impression being changing yourself and what you do in order to get other people to like you or think highly of you in some regard.”

May 8, 2010 at 12:52am ·

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." - Thomas Edison

May 11, 2010 at 11:24am

"Only he who can see the invisible can do the impossible." - Frank L. Gaines

define HOpe.
great quote i eva read,

May 13, 2010 at 12:44am

"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think." - Socrates

"I believe that every person is born with talent." - Maya Angelou

May 20, 2010 at 1:25am

"There is only one person who

could ever make you happy, and that person is you." - David Burns

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in
ourselves." - Shakespeare

May 31, 2010 at 11:32am

"Change your thoughts and you change your world." -
Norman Vincent Peale

m thinkin and preparin weapons!!bout end of this year my singles will be come out,,,,nervous to know it..JEsus, i need ya Help :)

Only he who can see the
invisible can do the impossible." - Frank L. Gaines

Ideas not coupled with action never become bigger than the brain cells they occupied." - Arnold H. Glasow


Run to where they miss u,, and run from those that dis u

The duties and responsibilities you count as burdens today may be part of God's destiny for your life, the means by which your soul is lifted up and prepared for eternity.

socrates merasa dirinya adalah yang paling bijak karena dirinya tahu bahwa dia tidak bijaksana sedangkan mereka yang merasa bijak pada dasarnya adalah tidak bijak karena mereka tidak tahu kalau mereka tidak bijaksana..hehe...funny smart

"We know accurately only when we know little, with
knowledge doubt increases." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Skeptis tiada batas,temukan Kebenaran otentik.

Love her today Find 100 ways -James Ingram

Whenever life grows difficult, and the pressure is turned up, that's a
sign that your time is near. Joel Osteen

Don't be so hard on yourself!...God is not finished with you. He's in the process of changing you. - Joel Osteen

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies." - Mother Teresa

suatu situasi yang timbul dari sejumlah premis yang diakui kebenarannya yang bertolak dari suatu pernyataan dan akan tiba pada suatu konflik atau kontradiksi

"There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure." - Paulo Coelho. I fear of nuthin..except MY ONLY GOD.

"Iloveyou, not only for what you are, But for what I am when I am
withyou."GOd thanks for an ANGEL u sent me...paeng e..paeng semua2

"Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not." - George Bernard Shaw.

I miss how close we used to be. I hate how far apart we have grown. I miss us. and pretending like i'm fine, so i don't have to explain it all.

There was a man who was complaining about having no shoes until he saw a man with no feet (keep a thankful mindset)...ohw GOd,teach me fo always be thankfull

Try not to be a man of success, but a man of value." - Albert Einstein

The key to a gr8 relationship is not to find sum1 u can live with but sum1 u
can't live without! JESUS,i need Your help to win their hearts.Amen!

The secret of happiness is to count your blessings, while others are adding up their troubles!! REV.Run WISDOM

Pespective in life, To be thankfull,to dream big and to never give up!!
Nick Vujicic

Self-trust is the first secret of success." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Small opportunities are often the beginnings of great enterprises." - Demosthenes

Without pain,
nothing is learned, Without sacrifice, the moral is lost..and
ironically, without life-changing conflict, a happy ending is nowhere
in sight.

Ampuni Aku karena menyepelekan ENGKAU Allah,,Praise The Lord!!Ini waktunya

Setiap stress dan dipresi dalam hidup kita,
tentu ada maksud Tuhan, yaitu:
mempersiapkan kita menjadi pelayan yang
rendah hati dan berkenanagar kita lebih menghargai pemberian
Tuhan (kesehatan, kehidupan, pekerjaan, harta milik, orang tua,
keselamatan) Tuhan membuktikan bahwa Dia menyertai
kita dalam masa sulit.

Melalui stress
dan dipresi, Daud menemukan bahwa Allah menyertainya, hal itu dituliskannya di Maz.
13: 5: ‘Tetapi aku, kepada kasih setiaMu aku percaya, hatiku bersorak-sorai
karena penyelamatanMu. Aku mau menyanyi untuk Tuhan, karena Ia telah berbuat
baik kepadaku’.

"Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can." - Richard Bach

"Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can." - Richard Bach


U (saya) fla (berlari) hauk (mencari) O (Kau), Duang (Tuhan) ------bahasa Kei. Nearer my God to thee. Makin dekat Tuhan,kepada-MU
Happy sunday Bebe

"Success is
neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of
consistently applying the basic fundamentals." - Jim Rohn

When ur easy on urself lifes hard on you,, when ur hard on urself life's easy on u
harus kras!!

"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Einstein

"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expect of you." - Henry Ward Beecher
higest standar, ill try to.

I have strength for all things in Christ who empowers me. I'm ready for
anything and I'm equal to anything through Him who infuses inner
strength into me. That is, I am self sufficient in Christ's
sufficiency. Philippians 4:13 (Amp)
..."Who are you going to believe? What other people say about you or what God says about you."

"If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams." - Les Brown

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing
more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de
Saint Exupery

everything we do, our own thoughts can help us succeed, or they can
help us fail. Maintain a positive attitude." Catherine Pulsifer

Pengetahuan ibarat kapal besar yang berlayar,bijaksana ibarat nahkoda,wisdom is more than knowledge. Mencari dan menemukan bijaksana akhirnya menjadi akar dari seluruh disiplin akademis. mencintai kebijaksanan(filia,sofia). Kebijakan dan kebajikan jika disatukan maka kita akan berada dalam wadah "secure".( PROVERBS ...1:7)

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become." - Buddha

Love knows no limit to its end to its fading of
its can outlast anything! Love still stands when all else has

"SUCCESS" is neither magical nor mysterious. "SUCCESS" is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals, BUuuuuuuuuuT IM not Tryin to be a MAN of SUCCESS, but a MAN of VALUE.
God's love and mercy moved him to pay himself for me.Jesus' death on the cross to pay my sin debt in full.

If you are in agreement with God in your thoughts, then His decree will override anything on the outside.JOEL OSTEEN

Goals are not only absolutely necessary to motivate us. They are essential to really keep us alive." - Robert Schuller

Untuk menjadi bintang, harus berkilau sendiri, ikuti jalan sendiri, dan jngan kuatir akan gelap, maka kau akan bercaya terang benderang!!!

Mngpa anana negri Maluku nih suka kembangkn heroisme dan chauvinisme
semu, zonder mencoba realistis?? Sasaja manyanyi deng bataria "pulang
bangun Maluku." Dong kira bataria plg, lalu pulang bagtu2 saja.
Baiknya investasikan sumber daya manusia Maluku pada simpul2 nasional
dan global, supaya kelak ketika Maluku semakin ba'ero dalam pusaran...
global, anak2nya susiap par baku-tongka dari seluru penjuru dunia(SIAKE MANUE)

When you see someone succesful, you see their public glory.. you don't see their private sacrifices..
Remember that when you see me shine!!


Hidup karena kasih karunia Allah, jika disia-siakan, Allah berdaulat,Allah punya otoritas, teguran menjadi layak.
Be blessed everybody

"Dialog mnandai kondisi
eksistensial dri kmanusiaan di mn mc yang 1 dgn mc
lainnya miliki ikatn.Mc diktakan ada(exist) hny bla ia
brkmunikasi scra dialogis.(mikhail Bakhtin)
...blh pandai stinggi langit, tpi slama ia tidak mnulis, ia akan
hilang di dlam msyarakat & dr sejarah.(Pramoedya A Toer)
"PLATO sendiri dlm dialognya sgt brsifat sokratik, mmilih dialog sbagai bntuk sastra!
Dialog yg di Tuliskn.

logistikon -> prhonesis/sophia
thymoeides -> andreia
epithymetikom ->sophrosyne

making your mark on the world is hard. if it were easy, everybody would do it, but its not. it takes patience, it takes commitment, and it comes with plenty of failure along the way. The real test is not wether you avoid this failure, because you will not. I'ts wether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, wether you learn from... it ; wether you choose persevere
-Barrack Obama

Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence,Justice
Perseverance, attitude, optimism, balance

Hidup batin adalah tidak mengetahui apa yang anda kehendaki tetapi memahami yang tidak anda butuhkan.

Musik+philosphy= i should be

Ayub,Segelintir orang bahkan mengatakan bahwa kitab ini merupakan satire
terhadap mereka yang berusaha menjunjung agama dengan cara yang puritan. Kitab ini menggambarkan upaya untuk mengajarkan agar orang hidup
dengan benar, tetapi pada saat yang sama juga melukiskan dengan sinis
gambaran tentang hidup yang benar. Allah yg baik Ada, Iblis juga Ada (teodisi) dalam bahsa Yunani dijelaskan.

buatlah kebaikan, dan hargailah kebaikan yang sedikit (embrio)!!
be blessed

If you should put even a little on a little and should do this often, soon this would become big. -Hesiod
JAdi.jadi.jadi, seng jadi Orang seng reken,
Percaya sudah terima.Amen.

High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation.

Mengutarakan masalah secara persis, mencari solusi, argumentasi, proses dialektika, logika berpikir dan logika bahasa.

Persoalan mendasar yang diajukan Tillich: If
they (Christians=churches) had no doubts, they would hardly be very
good Christians, because the intellectual life is as ambiguous as the
moral life. And who would call himself morally perfect? H...ow then could someone call himself intellectually perfect? The element of doubt is an element in... faith itself.

FAITH= (F)orsking (A)ll (I) (T)rust (H)im
Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God

"We are what we think. With our thoughts we make our world." - Buddha

Membangun dialektika kedirian diantara kondisi2 paradoks maka kualitas kepribadian semakin meningkat!!

Care, Responsibility, Respect, Knowledge (Erik Fromm)

Teori :
Intimacy, Passion, comitmen.(Robert J stenberg)

Hidup Batin adalah tidak mengetahui apa yang engkau kehendaki, tetapi memahami yang tidak engkau butuhkan

Yang mencengangkan, sagu yang sering
dibanggakan sebagai makanan pokok orang Maluku, lama kelamaan semakin
dijauhi sebagai konsumsi utama. Bukan saja karena secara ekonomis lebih
mahal dari beras. Tapi dikalangan masyarakat tertentu, sagu menjadi
simbol keterbelakangan dibanding beras dan terigu. Suatu rasa rendah
...diri yang tidak patut (inferiority complex)

"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens." - Jimi Hendrix

Manusiaberada dalam keadaan dilematis, intelektual dan moralitas terombangambing(disharmoni). Maka kebijakan menyelamatkan dari kungkungankesesatan hidup, materialisme serta ketidakbermaknaan hidup lainnya (unmeaning purpose of life).

Manusiaberada dalam keadaan dilematis, intelektual dan moralitas terombangambing(disharmoni). Maka kebijakan menyelamatkan dari kungkungankesesatan hidup, materialisme serta ketidakbermaknaan hidup lainnya (unmeaning purpose of life).

Life is Best for those who want to Live it, Life is Difficult for those who want to Analyze it, Life is worst for those who want to Criticize it, Our Attitude Defines Life

dear Althien ... makasih atas penginagatnnya. (Koreksi kecil ejaan yangbenar: Credo ut intelligam = aku percaya (agar) supaya (aku) mengerti
Gredo Ut In Telligam (anselmus), hubungan Rasio dan wahyu

ungkapan "Credo ut intelligam" merupakan jalan menuju ungkapan mistik lainnya: "Credo quia absurdum" = aku percaya karena (hal itu) mustahil - oleh Tertualinus dalam De Carne Christi. Iman, dalam pegertian Tertualinus, melampaui akal, bahkan iman itu tidak bergantung pada kemampuan nalar mencerna misterium Allah, tetapi pada kemampuan Allah yang merubah hal yang mustahil menjadi mungkin dan nyata adanya (sekedar sharing natal).

Keterbatasan nalar manusia dalam keangkuhan rasionalitasnya (seolah semua yang rasional itu bisa dibuktikan) dapat dengan tepat dilukiskan dalam ungkapan berikut: "nihil probat, qui animum probat" = yang memberikan (baca: mengandalkan) bukti secara berlebihan sesungguhnya (ia sedang) tidak membuktikan apa-apa. Selamat Natal, Intelektual Muda Maluku!

Love knows no limit to its end to its trust, no fading of its hope, it can outlast anything! Love still stands when all else has fallen

Fenomena mental adalah entitas/substansi nonfisik, klaim dualisme.

Love comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.
~Timothy 1:5

‎"The heart of man has been so constituted by the Almighty that, like a flint, it contains a hidden fire which is evoked by music and harmony, and renders man beside himself with ecstasy" ~Al Ghazali~

Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others.-Aristotle

just believe ur self coz there is no sign come down from heaven - dostoevsky
"dostvoesky is an atheist"

kami hanya roh, kami bukan tubuh
kami menyuarakan Moral dan bapak2 yang bertindak atas kapasitas".
kalo katong su tabaos ulang2 maar seng bagara2 lai, ujung2 pegang la lap deng gata2 boleh!

politik dengan pendekatan Praktis/kepentingan, dan politik dengan pendekatan akademik berbeda, seluhurnya Pemimpin-pemimpin bangsa membawa kepentingan Masyarakat!

Never was anything great achieved without danger. -Niccolo Machiavelli

while hard work and knowledge will get you close 96-98%, and attitude will get u to 100%, its the love of God that will put you over the top 101%.

Dalam proses saya bertemu Allah dan kbesarannya!
sabar, setia.

It is best to wait for the right one because life is short to be wasted on the wrong one. KAGM

salvation of all creatures

Ketika doktrin dan pemahaman teologis sudah ditempatkan lebih tinggi dari nilai2 kemanusiaan, teologi harus berpusat pada kebutuhan manusia dan bukan manusia diciptakan untuk mengikuti teologi. semua rangkaian "pemahaman" (teologi) tidak boleh ditempatkan lebih tinggi dari "manusia" itu sendiri. (BUNG EKA)

fisik dewasa, sex dewasa, pikiran dewasa, intelektual dewasa, rohani dewasa, kesehatan payah, emosi masih remaja. bapaku bilang

rti penting seorang filosof terletak bukan pada kebenaran pendapatnya tapi terletak pada masalah apakah buah pikirannya telah menggerakkan orang untuk bertindak atau tidak.

rti penting seorang filosof terletak bukan pada kebenaran pendapatnya tapi terletak pada masalah apakah buah pikirannya telah menggerakkan orang untuk bertindak atau tidak.

heideger ka heidogor pukar sapa yg istori bagitu Althien? org kalo tinggal dudu tanang panta di german la keker samua deng keker german deng yunani. su ajar bahasa wemale deng alune kablong, ka mangkali heidogor tuh dia sangka org2 nuaulu tartau pikir. heidogor sorong nai batenga binaya saja, heidogor pung kata2 su abis. lebe lai heidogor bataria 'tundalar dong su pake jurus mabo' ha ha haeeeee. ingatang althien, jang bajalang loga2 di negri sandiri kio

Philippians 4 : 13,
I CAN DO ALL THINGS through HIM who strengthens me!!

Better is a poor man who walks in his integritythan a rich man who is crooked in his ways.

keteguhan kesetiaan itu dibangun di atas penghianatan demi penghianatan

Tamak terhadap ilmu, Serakah terhadap pengalaman dan wawasan!

FYI, dalam bahasa Aram kata "berdoa" (צלּה) dan "membuat berhasil/sukses" (צלח) bedanya tipis sekali, hanya ה dan ח. Menarik ya!!

“All pleasure in the world is a passing dream.”-Petrarch

The beauty and the ugly
Plato(proporsi, keharmonisan, dan kesatuan).
Aristoteles (aturan-aturan, kesimetrisan, dan keberadaan).

Knowledge by Correspondence : Emphiris, Rasional
tahapan tertentu bisa saja sebuah pengtahuan yang tadinya rasional berubah menjadi emphiris dan sebaliknya yang emphiris bisa dilihat dengan pendekatan rasional

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